Meeting with Maria Stangret-Kantor in Hucisko

On the occasion of publication of Maria Stangret-Kantor memoires "Malując progi", together with Cricoteka we would like to invite you to a public meeting with the author. The meeting will be held at Hucisko – Tadeusz Kantor and Maria Stangret house, nearby Kraków, on the 27th of August, at 3pm.

The meeting will be held in Polish. Lech Stangret, editor of the book, will lead the talk with the author.

An exhibition of Maria Stangret works’, accompanying the publication, will open on the same day at Hucisko. The exhibition programme follows the structure of the published memoirs. Works from different periods of her creative life will be put on display in the House that Tadeusz Kantor designed himself for their family.

The meeting in Hucisko will be a fist of a series of events promoting the new publication. Future events will take place in Cracow and in Warsaw.
More information on the book >

The exhibition will be on display till 15th of September, from Friday till Sunday, 12-4 pm





Ośrodek Dokumentacji Sztuki Tadeusza Kantora – Cricoteka


LGD Dolina Raby



Lokalna grupa działania Dolina Raby


UMWM Małpolska



Projekt realizowany przy wsparciu finansowym Województwa Małopolskiego.